by Data Manager | Mar 11, 2023 | Beginners Corner, Dance Education, Newsletter, Syllabus
Dear UDWDC® members, One of our goals is to make it easier for more people to learn our dances and compete on the UCWDC circuit. To help meet that goal, we are proud to introduce our expanded newcomer divisions. We now offer FOUR newcomer divisions in both ProAm and...
by Data Manager | Feb 6, 2023 | Beginners Corner, CTST, Syllabus
UCWDC West Coast Swing Newcomer IV, III, II (PDF) Combined videos available on the UCWDC Youtube Playlist. West Coast Swing Newcomer IV Starter Steps a. In Closed (4-Count) b. Throw-out (6-Count Left Side Pass from Closed) c. Floating Triple to Extension (4-Count)...
by Data Manager | Feb 6, 2023 | Beginners Corner, Dance Education, Syllabus
Two Step Newcomer IV, III, and II (PDF) Combined videos available on the UCWDC Youtube Playlist. LOD = Line of Dance Two Step Newcomer IV Forward Basic Couples Half Right Turn with French Cross (or Chassé) Footwork and Half Left Turn (Cross Body) with French Cross (or...
by Data Manager | Feb 6, 2023 | Beginners Corner, Dance Education, Syllabus
UCWDC East Coast Swing Newcomer IV, III, II (PDF) East Coast Swing Newcomer IV Six Count Basic: Closed to Open and Return to Closed a. Single Time b. Triple Time Left Rotating Basic Right Rotating Basic Throw-out and Follower’s Left Underarm Return Follower’s Right...
by Data Manager | Feb 6, 2023 | Beginners Corner, Dance Education, Syllabus
UCWDC Cha Cha Newcomer IV, III and II Cha Cha Newcomer IV Side Basic Progressive Basic Time Step Fifth Position Breaks (Fall Aways, Hand-to-Hand) Crossover Breaks (New York) Outside Partner (Parallel, Shoulder to Shoulder) Breaks a. Closed Position b. Open Position...
by Data Manager | Feb 6, 2023 | Beginners Corner, Dance Education, Syllabus
UCWDC Polka Newcomer IV, III, II LOD = Line of Dance Polka Newcomer IV Forward Basic and Forward Two-Hand Hold Basic Couples Half Right Rotating Basic, Half Back Basic, Half Left Rotating Basic Couples Half Right Rotating Basic, Back Basic, Couples 2nd Half Right...
by Data Manager | Feb 6, 2023 | Newsletter
UCWDC Nightclub IV, III and II Nightclub Newcomer IV Basic in Closed, Conversation and Two-Hand Hold Left Promenade Pass (Turning Basic) Left Promenade Pass (Turning Basic) Left Promenade Pass (Turning Basic) with Hand Change Right Promenade Pass (Turning Basic) Right...
by Data Manager | Feb 6, 2023 | Beginners Corner, Dance Education, Rules
UCWDC WALTZ Newcomer IV, III, II Newcomer IV Hesitations Hesitations Left and Right (Starter Step) Balance Steps with Follower’s Right Underarm Turn (Starter Step) Box Step and Change Steps Full Box Step Forward Change Steps Box and Follower’s Right (Outside) Underarm...