Dave has been involved with the UCWDC® since its origin in the late 1980s. He has been an integral part in developing the rules, scoring system, contest procedures, and the judge training and certification programs. Dave has held a number of key positions within the UCWDC®, including VP of Rules and VP of Judge Certification. In addition, Dave has been the Worlds Contest Coordinator for each of the 23 years it has been held. Dave is proud to have choreographed for and coached many World Champion dancers. He continues to provide coaching and choreography for social and competition dancers across the US and around the world.
Hall of Fame
The Hall of Fame is the most prestigious award presented by the Council of the United Country Western Dance Council. Each year, Council members are asked to nominate an individual, couple, group or team who exemplifies a truly dynamic spirit, a person of admiration, and one who is worthy of this exemplary honor.
This award is bestowed upon someone who has contributed in ways that have changed or advanced the path of country dance, as we know it today. Someone who has achieved success yet is willing to share their gift of knowledge and talent with others. The UCWDC Hall of Fame recipient is carefully selected from a field of rare visionaries who have impacted the world of country dance by broadening horizons and breaking new ground.
Click on each image to read a brief biography.

Billy & Becky Hammock – 2024

Steve & Yvonne Dunn – 2024
In 2016, the UCWDC determined to recognie individuals that helped build and establish the popularity of Country dancing as both a social activity and competitive sport dating back to the 1980’s and early 1990’s. Because of the limited number of inductions into the UCWDC Hall of Fame each year, the Council realized there were many others who deserved recognition for their roles in the early development of Country dancesport.
There was much debate about how to describe these talented and dedicated people. In those early years before and during the formative years of the United Country Western Dance Council, these individuals were true Pioneers in their regions. Their impact on Country dance continues four decades later. We are so appreciative and grateful to these select few who were chosen for this honor by the UCWDC Directors within each region of the country.
This project will develop over several years by focusing on a single region each year. Regions will be recognized in the following order: Southwestern U.S. in 2018; Southeastern U.S. in 2019; Northeastern and the Midwest U.S. in 2020.; Due to COVID, there were no recognitions for 2021 or 2022. The Rocky Mountain, Pacific Northwest and Western Canada regions were recognized in 2023. Southern States follow in 2024, then Europe in 2025. Other zones or regions may be added at a later date.
The first class of UCWDC Pioneers was announced in January 2018 at Worlds 26 in San Francisco, CA. Award recipients from the Southwestern Region of the United States were Michele Adams, Phil Adams, Don & Lia Boatman, Tracy & Pam Butler, Gloria Casey, Melody Cochran, David Conner & Veronica Trout-Caron, John Daugherty, Wayne & Debbie Edgin, Steve Freeman, Marcia Gray, Tony Gutsch & Yvonne Gutsch-Wayne, Michael Hunt, Tom Hyatt, Linda Infante, Rob Ingenthron, Richard Kear, Mark & Tiffiney Maxwell, Moe Padden-Singleton, Lou & Lura Posada.
In January 2019 at Worlds 27 held in Nashville, TN, award recipients from the Southeastern Region of the United States were Wayne & Yvonne Conover, Darlene Long-Crabtree, Clark & Debbie Fullbright, Jean Garr, Eddie Harper, Jeff & Mary Hill, John & Susan Hoffman, Vickie Vance-Rose, Earl & Lisa Strom, and Lisa West.
In January 2020 at Worlds 28 held in Nashville, TN, award recipients from the Northeastern and Central Midwest region of the U.S. and Eastern Canada were B.J. Brown, Russ Drollinger, Carol Fleming-Wooldridge, Mary Hoedeman-Coniaris, T.E. Mayo, Gordon & Jodi Moore, John & Josie Neel, and David Thornton.
From the Rocky Mountain, Pacific Northwest and Western Canada regions 2023 Worlds in Phoenix, AZ honored the following: Jim & Connie Fields, Alan Gallagher, Jill Hilsinger, John Nicholson, Bob & Juanita Schoene, Maggee Tennessen-Schank, Pamela Spika, Bill Weatherman, Larry Winter, Marilyn Anderson, Tom Burns, Keith Fischer, Don & Joanie Moore, Bill & Deb Raisner, Kevin & Pat Whitely, Jim Hinkley, Lynn Martinez, Ty & Andy Hebert, Wally & Karla Quinn, Bonnie Cameron, Doug Davidson, Rob Ironside, Jim & Stephanie McDonald, Mike Quail, Jerry & Diane Smith, Rob Tovell, Roger & Sarah Sleger, Jim & Kari Christensen, Char Alexander, and Alan Provencher.
Worlds 31 in Dallas, TX in January 2024 recognized Richard & Bonnie Robertson, Wynn Brannon & Barbara Clark, Kevin & Diana Eddy, David Appel & Dr. Tracey McIntyre, Tom Danielle & Jan Danielle, Red Draper, Rowdy Dufrene, Sheryl Forrester, Eddie Lopez, Jerry & Virginia Rainey, Sherry Reynolds, Roy Shafer & Vickie Dunn, Rody Broussard, Britt Halphen, Parenell Oldham, Lee Harpe, and Walt Warner.
2025 inductees were introduced in Orlando, FL and included Dick and Geneva Matteis, Rick and Stella Wilden, Robert Wanstreet, Jörg Hammer, Hermann and Rija Falkenberg, Damian and Atracta Brady, Ann Cunningham, Nicola Vitale, Kathrine Strand Hammond, Roger and Liz Clarke, George and Kati Rius, BrittInger Ärlebro, Barbara Dietsch, Brian and Ann Bambury, Bruno Vastel, Ron Welters, Jodie Binstead, Jenny Stevenson, Roy Verdonk, and Tom Mickers.
The First Events Sanctioned in 1990 and 1991:
Wine Country (Little Bit of Texas) – Dennis & Carol Waite
Sunshine State – Grant Austin
Peach State Country Dance Festival – Bill Robinson
Texas Classic – Larry and Laurie Sepulvado
The first Event Sanctioned outside the United States:
1992 – The Calgary Country Dance Stampede directed by Garry Nanninga
The first Event Sanctioned outside North America:
1993 – The British Dance Championships directed by Dick & Geneva Matteis
The first Event Sanctioned in Europe:
1994 – The European Dance Championships