Introduction to 2020 Rule Changes

Here are a few rule change previews! A full version of the updated rules will be available at the start of the new dance season!

2020 Newcomer costume rules relaxed

For the past two years, we have allowed junior newcomers to wear ‘bling’ on their costumes. Many off the rack costumes (and regular clothing!) have bling. We have decided to extend this to all Newcomers. In our 2020-2022 Rules, which begin in 2020 after the Country Dance World Championships, Newcomers will have the same costume rules as all other competitors. All competitors- including newcomers- may wear costumes with or without bling. Have fun!

2020 Couples music length will be 1 ½ minutes

This has been requested and now is the time! In our 2020-2022 Rules, which begin in 2020 after the Country Dance World Championships, Couples music will no longer be 2 minutes, but will be reduced to 1 ½ minutes. Now the couples will join the Masters and Crown couples as well as all Classic ProAm who already dance to 1 ½ minutes (90 seconds).

2020 Some ProAm Juniors may dance with their female instructors.

Our sport attracts more girls than boys and we want to encourage all of our juniors as much as possible – they are our future! In our 2020-2022 Rules, which begin in 2020 after the Country Dance World Championships, we will allow competitors in the ProAm Female Junior Primary and Junior Youth divisions to dance with their female instructors at all levels. We will allow competitors in the ProAm Female Junior Teen divisions to dance with their female instructors at the Newcomer and Novice levels.

Kind Regards,

Beth Emerson

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