2020 Comment Codes
 “E”    -“I”-    “O”

This year the 2020 comment codes are aligned with the UCWDC Rules.  This means that both judges and competitors should be well versed in the rules as the comment codes will provide an effective method for each competitor to know if a rule was broken. This information is important to know as a judge will adjust the medal placement based on the rule breakage should one occur.  This comment code feature provides feedback as to what area of the rules you should look to in order to remedy the problem. Please remember without this code system you may not know that your score reflects an issue you could easily fix.   Although no one is trying to break a rule, it is possible to overlook a rule therefore the new comment codes will help everyone. 

There are 3 comment codes.  “E      ”I”       “O”

“E” = Etiquette (Section J of Rules)

 “Floor-craft” Rule is clearly broken.  

“I” = Illegal Movement (Section I of Rules) 

 This encompasses anything to do with movement.  Examples: a “newcomer Pro/Am” dancing a chasse (when not for foot change purposes), or a line competitor not observing the vanilla rule, dancing a specific move not allowed.  

 “O” – Outfit.   (Section K of rules): 

This is only marked for specific rules regarding contestant outfits such as lack of Hats, Boots, Hose and Dance Pants. This would also include specific clothing required in Syllabus and social divisions.

Other important points

  • When marking a comment code (a rule has been broken), the highest score a judge may give is a “Gold”. Absolutely no “Honors” or “Gold Graduate” may be given. 
  • The code system enables you to go to the section of the rules listed and go through your routine to see where there is a problem.
  • Every judge must write a short note detailing the observed infraction. Judges will be held accountable to explain the violation.
  • Judges are not allowed to approach a competitor or professional about a comment code in order to avoid any sense of solicitation. However, a competitor may approach a judge concerning the comment code providing it is done with professionalism and follows the UCWDC Code of Conduct.  Pro/Am competitors must have their Pro present in order for a judge to speak about the comment code. We ask this so there is no misunderstanding and the Pro hears it directly from the judge.

The members of the UCWDC Judge Certification team have spent many hours assessing the best way to provide comment codes that can be used in a positive way to help our dancers.  As with any system we need to review the process to see if the comment codes are providing the benefits they were designed for.  Should they not fulfill their purpose the committee will review and make necessary changes. Any feedback you may have is always welcomed.  Also, please note Beth Emerson and members of the rules committee have separated the rules into 4 sections: Couples, Pro/Am, Line and Teams.  This should make it easier for all of you to be clear of what is expected in the area you compete.

While our hope is that no comment codes need to be given, we are pleased that we may offer you this feature in the event a rule is overlooked.

A video overview is available here: UCWDC Comment Codes

Kind Regards,

Kathy St. Jean
UCWDC VP Judge Certification

w: www.ucwdc.org                    p: 401.474.3434                e: judgecertification@ucwdc.org