Keeping you in the loop — Comment Codes on Hold!

In trying to give you the best experience when competing UCWDC comment codes were introduced at the beginning of 2019 UCWDC dance season. The goal of the comment code(s) was to provide valuable information to our competitors to help improve scores by being aware if there was something present in your performance that was affecting the judge’s score from being higher (costumes, delivery of dance, motion or floor craft). In other words, your mark would be higher if a particular item or situation was corrected.
The comment codes were only to be used for consistent-repetitive-egregious situations that prevented the competitor from receiving a higher score. An example, a pro-am couple is dancing shine, a judge would lower the score because shine is not allowed. If the pro and the amateur of the couple is not aware of the rule the comment code would then help them to learn what needed to be changed to improve their score. Floor craft issues had to be consistent-repetitive -egregious in nature (consistently cutting the down the middle of the floor in a progressive dance). Unfortunately, the role of the comment code took on a different meaning to many competitors and judges who felt the codes were penalties. There was also some misunderstanding by the judges when to issue a code and why and so they were not being used properly. Due to the depth of misunderstanding of how to issue the codes and how to understand the codes the UCWDC will stop using them effective immediately.
The UCWDC is very appreciative of the support our competitors along with their professional instructors and coaches and judges. As always, the UCWDC strives to enhance everyone’s competitive experience throughout the world. Judge certification feels it is in the best interest of everyone to place comment codes on hold until we can streamline the process to where they are used correctly and perceived as a positive communication line.
Should you have any feedback, please feel free to reach out to You all are an important part of the UCWDC dance family.

Kind Regards,

Kathy St. Jean
UCWDC VP Judge Certification

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